Domain Name Lookup

Check availability of .ch domain names

Domain Name Lookup

Is the domain name you want still available? Who is the registrar of a registered domain name? You can check the registration of domain names with the endings .ch and .li here. For .li, enter the domain name including the extension. If the domain name is registered you will see the registrar and technical information.

Examples: -

The Domain Name Lookup is subject to the provisions of our Acceptable Use Policy.

Please note: Since 1 January 2021, personal data associated with registered domain names is no longer disclosed. Information about holders of domain names can only be obtained in exceptional cases. More info

Registrars for .ch

Registering new .ch domain names: Please select a registrar.
Domain names that are already registered: Please contact the registrar administering your domain name for any changes.

List of all registrars